Senin, 30 Maret 2009

Asian Development Bank - Japan Scholarship Program

Asian Development Bank - Japan Scholarship Program
The Asian Development Bank (ADB) - Japan Scholarship Program (JSP) was established in April 1988 with financing from the Government of Japan. It aims to provide an opportunity for well-qualified citizens of ADB's developing member countries to ...

Scholarship competition factsheet

Scholarship competition factsheet
Explore Marquette : Scholarships : Scholarship competition factsheet
Award Amount

* $500 to $5,000 renewable scholarships


* Various on-campus competition dates

Selection Guidelines

* High school seniors
* Competitive examinations are given only on the dates listed above
* Exam results are the only criteria for selection
* Can be added to an Ignatius Scholarship
* Winners must initially enroll in the college sponsoring the competition

What's on the Examination?

Although the examinations vary by college, most consist of essay questions, problem solving exercises or mathematics problems. Most likely we'll ask you to defend or refute an essay or article or to provide some unique insight into a problem.
Participation Criteria & Rules

* The scholarship competitions are open to all high school seniors interested in studying at Marquette University.
* To be eligible to receive one of these scholarships, you must have applied to Marquette by December 1.
* You may participate in more than one college scholarship competition, if the competitions are held on different days.
* The competitions are offered only on the Marquette campus, only on the days listed. There are no special examination times nor makeup examinations scheduled.

Selection and Awards

* Winners are selected entirely on the basis of how they perform at the competitions.
* The winner of a college scholarship must enroll in the sponsoring college to receive the award.
* Most scholarships are $2,500 for each of eight semesters. See individual college listings for details.
* The competitions are only held on the days listed on the registration form. There are no special examination times nor makeup examinations scheduled.

Ignatius Scholarships

Ignatius Scholarships are awarded on a competitive basis and all freshman and transfer applicants are considered.

Historically, freshmen applicants who have excelled in the classroom and have performed well on standardized examinations (we do place a little more emphasis on test scores for scholarships than for admission since the exams are by nature competitive) have received scholarship awards from Marquette.

Transfer applicants are reviewed based upon a combination of college and high school performance as well as leadership and service activities.
Scholarship Information
Award Amount

* Varies


* Freshmen Applicants: December 1

* Transfer Applicants: No deadline. Applicants from both four and two-year colleges are considered for this award on an ongoing basis until funds are exhausted.

Selection Guidelines

* High school seniors and transfer students
* Freshman scholars are selected based on academics, scores, leadership and community service
* Transfer scholars are selected based on academics, leadership and community service


No additional application is required. By applying for admission you are considered for this scholarship.

Kamis, 26 Maret 2009

Penawaran Beasiswa S2

1. Bioteknologi dan Nano Bioteknologi,
2. Nano Elektronik dan Nano Biologi,
3. Remote Sensing,
4. Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam,
5. Agrobisnis Industri,
6. Kedokteran (Biomedik),
7. Teknologi Informasi,
8. Game Teknologi dan Jaringan,
9. Ilmu Komputer,
10. Seni dan Pariwisata,
11. Akuntansi Pemerintahan,
12. Perencanaan Pendidikan,
13. Penelitian dan Evaluasi Pendidikan,
14. Fisip, Hukum dan Humaniora,
15. Beberapa bidang studi yang berbasis produk unggulan

Persyaratan Program Beasiswa Magister (S2)

1. Lulus mengikuti ujian seleksi di universitas yang menyeleksi dengan nilai TPA Minimal 400 dan TOEFL Institusional Minimal 500.
2. Lulus seleksi administrasi yang dilakukan oleh pihak universitas yang dituju dan DEPDIKNAS
3. Usia tidak boleh lebih dari 35 tahun pada saat mendaftar.

Berikut ini kami sajikan informasi mengenai Program Beasiswa Reguler Magister (S2) secara lebih detail yang dapat dibaca pada file berikut.

Persyaratan Program Beasiswa Doktor (S3)

1. Lulus mengikuti ujian seleksi di universitas yang menyeleksi dengan nilai TPA Minimal 400 dan TOEFL Institusional Minimal 500.
2. Lulus seleksi administrasi yang dilakukan oleh pihak universitas yang dituju dan DEPDIKNAS
3. Usia tidak boleh lebih dari 42 tahun pada saat mendaftar.

Berikut ini kami sajikan informasi mengenai Program Beasiswa Reguler Doktor (S3) secara lebih detail yang dapat dibaca pada file berikut.

Surat permohonan Beasiswa dari Program Studi penyelenggara sudah diterima Sekretariat Beasiswa Unggulan paling lambat bulan September dan dialamatkan ke:
Sekretariat Program Beasiswa Unggulan
Biro Perencanaan dan Kerjasama Luar Negeri
Sekretariat Jenderal Departemen Pendidikan Nasional
Gedung C Lantai 6 Jl. Jenderal Sudirman Senayan Jakarta 10270
Tlp/fax. : 021-5739290

Rabu, 25 Maret 2009


BEASISWA S1, S2, S3 Bagi Mahasiswa Indonesia

Sesuai dengan Keputusan Pemerintah Federasi Rusia tentang penerimaan mahasiswa asing di perguruan tinggi Rusia, maka pada tahun ajaran 2009/2010 Pemerintah Federasi Rusia memberikan 30 beasiswa bagi warga negara Republik Indonesia. Dengan jenjang, persyaratan dan bidang studi sebagai berikut.

1. Jenjang
Beasiswa diberikan untuk Jenjang S-1 (Bachelor) dan S-2 (Magister) sebanyak 25 beasiswa. Sedangkan untuk Jenjang S-3 (Kandidatura), Post-Doktoral (Doktorantura) dan Penelitian/Pelatihan (Stazhirovka) sebanyak 5 beasiswa.

2. Program Studi (Spesialisasi)
Program studi (spesialisasi) yang ditawarkan,meliputi:
Ilmu Hukum, Ilmu Politik, Ilmu Kedokteran, Ilmu Alam (Natural Science), Ilmu Sosial/Humaniora, Ilmu Pendidikan, Ilmu Kesehatan (Public Health); Ekonomi dan Manajemen (Economic and Management); Spesialisasi Interdisipliner Teknik-Ilmu Alam; Geologi dan Sumber Daya Mineral; Eksplorasi Mineral; Ilmu Energi dan Teknik Mesin Pembangkit (Power Machinery Engineering) ; Metalurgi; Konstruksi Mesin dan Material Processing; Penerbangan, Roket dan Teknologi Angkasa (Space Machinery); Teknologi Maritim (Maritime Machinery); Peralatan Transportasi Darat; Teknologi Pertambangan dan Perlengkapan; Teknik Elektro, Control Device Building; Radioteknik dan Komunikasi; Automasi dan Kontrol; Komputer dan Informatika; Service; Eksploitasi Transportasi; Teknologi Kimia; Reproduksi dan Proses Sumber Daya Kehutanan; Teknologi Makanan; Teknologi Komoditi Konsumen; Arsitektur dan Ilmu Konstruksi; Geodesi dan Kartografi; Agrikultur dan Perikanan; Ekologi dan Pemanfaatan Alam; Kesehatan dan Keselamatan.

3. Perguruan Tinggi dan Proses Belajar
Perguruan Tinggi/Universitas tujuan belajar terdapat di kota-kota di seluruh Federasi Rusia. Penempatan penerima beasiswa ditentukan oleh Pemerintah Federasi Rusia.

Proses belajar-mengajar diselenggarakan dalam bahasa Rusia. Untuk itu selama 1 (satu) tahun semua penerima beasiswa program studi S-1 dan S-2 akan belajar di Fakultas Persiapan (Preparatory Faculty) untuk mempelajari bahasa Rusia dan mata pelajaran yang sesuai dengan jurusan/program studi yang telah dipilih.

Bagi Penerima beasiswa Jenjang S-3, Doktorantura dan penelitian/pelatihan akan mempelajari bahasa Rusia selama proses belajar (tidak melalui Fakultas Persiapan).

4. Persyaratan
Untuk Jenjang S-1 dan S-2:
1· Para pelamar beasiswa harus memiliki ijazah Sekolah Menengah SMU yang setara dengan ijazah SMU Rusia dengan nilai untuk mata pelajaran pokok/sesuai dengan spesialisasi yang akan dipilih tidak lebih rendah dari 80% tingkat maksimalnya (Nilai Rata-rata 8,0). Untuk mata pelajaran lainnya juga harus bernilai baik (tidak ada angka merah). (Untuk Jenjang S-2 harus memiliki ijasah S-1 dengan IPK sekurang-kurangnya 2,50);
2· Kurun waktu antara tamat Sekolah Menengah/SMU (atau lembaga pendidikan pra-perguruan tinggi lainnya) dengan saat pendaftaran beasiswa ini harus tidak melampaui 3 tahun.
3· Usia para calon untuk S-1 hendaknya tidak lebih dari 25 tahun dan S-2 tidak lebih dari 30 tahun.

Untuk Jenjang S-3, Penelitian, Post Doktoral:
1· Calon Penerima beasiswa Jenjang S-3 harus berpendidikan berpendidikan tinggi setingkat M.Sc./M.A.,
2· mempunyai pengalaman kerja yang sesuai dengan spesialisasinya;
3· usia hendaknya tidak melampaui 35 tahun.

5. Berkas Lamaran
Berkas lamaran lengkap diserahkan langsung ke
Bagian Kebudayaan Kedutaan Besar Federasi Rusia
Pusat Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Kebudayaan Rusia
Jl. Diponegoro, 12, Menteng, Jakarta Pusat,
telp./fax: 31935290)

hd Scholarships in Economics and Finance at Queensland University of Technology

Phd Scholarships in Economics and Finance at Queensland University of Technology

QUT`s School of Economics and Finance is seeking three PhD students to undertake study in the areas of behavioural economics and applied microeconometrics.
The scholarships are attached to a large international research group sponsored by the Australian Research Council, AusAid, the World Bank, the Ford Foundation and the German Labour Institute (IZA) as well as an international collaboration with European companies.
The successful applicants will work with researchers from the Australian National University and the QUT-based National Centre for Econometric Research.
They will be expected to follow standard economic PhD coursework in all fields of economics and to engage in a variety of analyses, such as handling large-scale data sets on migration in China, performing economic experiments in Australia with and without measuring heart rates, or developing a theoretical view of human decision making (including migration, network formation and attitudes towards risk and collaboration).

Application criteria
1. At least an Honours 2A or international equivalent thereof in economics or closely related subfield.
2. Good verbal and written English language skills.
3. A proven high ability in the use of analytical methods, as witnessed by courses in statistics/economic modelling/game theory/mathematics, or else prior work of a high analytical quality.
4. The ability to work with world-class researchers from many different countries (Australia, the United States, England, China, Indonesia, Germany) and the desire to become a research-oriented economist.

The scholarships
The school is offering three full-time scholarships to the value of $26,140 per annum (tax exempt and indexed annually) for three years. Top up scholarships and/or Research Assistant work may be available. The successful applicants will be based in Brisbane.

Application closing date
The closing date for applications is Thursday, 9 April 2009.

For more information about the research projects, please contact
Professor Paul Frijters
phone (07) 3138 2947 or
email or,

Associate Professor
Uwe Dulleck
phone (07) 3138 9103

For more information regarding the application process, please visit this website

Visit here

Rave Foundation Scholarships

Rave Foundation Scholarships

Target group
• Curators
• Restorers
• Museum technicians
• Cultural managers from emerging and developing countries

• A monthly lump sum of 1,300 euros for a scholarship period of three to six months
• Travelling expenses (to and from Germany)
• Married person`s supplement if the spouse is present in Germany
• Assistance with health insurance (also for spouses)
• German course

• Applicant must be from a country in transition or a developing country
• Hitherto no opportunity to study or work in Germany for an extended period of time
• Knowledge of either German, English or French
• Younger than 40 years old
• Completion of professional study or training within the last five years
• Applicant must no longer be studying or involved in on-the-job training
• Confirmation from a partner institution in Germany which has agreed to take on or initiate a joint project
• A reference from the applicant`s country of origin
• Applicants who are not accepted cannot re-apply

Selection procedure
• The Rave Foundation committee will assess all applications
• Scholarships are awarded twice a year
• About 6 scholarships are awarded per year
• There is no recourse to legal action regarding the awarding of a scholarship
• Applicants will be informed in writing about whether their application was successful or not. No reasons will be given for the committee`s decision

Application documents
1. CV, including educational qualifications
2. Outline of the planned project in Germany
3. Consent from a German institution in which the applicant will work during the scholarship period in Germany
4. A letter of reference from the applicant`s home country
5. An abridged report (max. 2 pages) on the current state of the arts scene in the home country

Application dates
The deadlines for applications are 31 March and 30 September each year. Selections will be made within 2 months of the respective deadlines.

Applications are to be submitted to:
Rave Foundation
c/o Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen
Charlottenplatz 17
D-70173 Stuttgart
Fax +49.711.2225194